Visitors Pictures
Our visitors to Eastcroft take the most amazing photographs, all these fantastic pictures were taken by Gary and Cheryl Beacon during their second visit to Eastcroft in June 2011, thank you so much for sharing them with us.
Birds in the garden of Eastcroft and around Lochdon and Grasspoint
The Sea Eagles
Red deer at Lochdon and views of Lochdon
Hare at Grasspoint and views from Grasspoint
Hen Harrier and Buzzard at Grasspoint
Peregrine Falcon at Tobermory and Sea Eagle at Grasspoint
Red Deer stag in Eastcroft's back garden
More wonderful pictures taken by Cheryl and Gary on their 3rd visit to Eastcroft in June 2013
Baby Blue Tit and Mother with chick in the garden at Eastcroft
Sheep and Deer on the shore at Lochdon
Deer and Buzzard at Lochdon
Eastcroft and view taken from Eastcroft
Cattle and Sea eagle at Ulva
Sea Eagle on Loch Na Keal
Dolphins near Inch Kenneth
Sea eagle near Inch Kenneth and Sea Eagle at gorten
Hare at Lochdon Jackdaw
Wild Hyacinth
Many thanks Gary and Cheryl for all these wonderful pictures